We are a team--sometimes a successful team...
Monkey and Buster tell me where something is hiding, I move debris out of the way or wiggle a stick under a cupboard in the garage, the mouse or rat runs out, I scream, "Get it! Get it! Get it!" and the dogs either look the wrong way and miss it completely or one of them nails it--usually Buster. Monkey once caught a huge rat I'd pelted with rocks until it lept down out of the persimmon tree, but when she realized she had an enormous squiggling mass of rat in her mouth, she quite sensibly dropped it. It ran, I shrieked, "Get it! Get it! Get it!" and Buster chased it down before it could escape under the deck. He's a great rat killer: with a slick, very professional rat killing terrier shake of his head, it's done and he's created a wonderful plaything. After he tires of it, I put it in the garbage can because I am the human member of the team.
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